Matt Wheeler wrote:
> I'm also experiencing the same behaviour, but I actually prefer it. I
> don't really like apps stealing focus (even if I did click on a link)

Yes, from bug reports and other comments a lot of folk seem to share 
your preference, and that may be why the behaviour was changed.

I am gradually getting used to a process of selecting all the liferea 
items I want to read so that they open as new tabs in FF in the 
background, and then going to FF to do the reading.  It would, however, 
be nice to have the option of choosing which behaviour one preferred.

Sadly, despite much searching, I can't find a way of doing this.  There 
are some very knowledgeable folk on this list, but no one here has 
suggested how to control the focussing behaviour, so I guess I'll just 
have to get used to a different 'workflow' for reading liferea items.

Or learn how to program, to change FF myself.  (I don't think so!)  ;-)



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