> On 03/07/2010 1:53PM, "Mark Jones" <m...@welshdragon.headweb.co.uk> wrote:
>> Hello Welsh Teams!
>> I'm writing this email as I want to catch up with you all, and to ensure that
>> you are all still active in our community.
>> More importantly, however, I'm calling a joint meeting of both the Welsh
>> Translators and Welsh LoCo Teams as Advocating Ubuntu is now on the agenda of
>> the Translations Co-Ordinator [1] and it'd be 'cool' if we had something to
>> contribute!
>> The meeting date is to be confirmed: I'm aware it's summer and we're all
>> busy, 
>> so i'd really appreciate it if you could add the dates you are free and your
>> preferred meeting start time to the link at the bottom of this email (no
>> sign-up is required] [2]. You can also find a link to the agenda here too [3]
>> I'd really appreciate it if you could spare a minute or two to reply to my
>> email letting me know that you're still alive and that you will do your best
>> to attend the meeting, or if you cannot attend.
>> Have a great summer, speak to you very soon :)
>> Mark
>> Ubuntu Cymru North Wales Co - Ordinator || Ubuntu Welsh Translators Admin
>> [1] http://davidplanella.wordpress.com/2010/06/30/translations-advocacy/
>> [2] http://doodle.com/av9xszvqumikyy67
>> [3] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WelshTeam/Meetings/2010Summer

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