On Wed, 2010-09-08 at 06:59 +0100, Sean Miller wrote:
> My Compaq laptop, running Ubuntu, died a death last week... so have
> now reverted to a Windows 7 Advent and - as one does - I thought
> "let's dual-boot"... WUBI seemed an option, so that's what I did.
> Alas, I appear to have some issue with latency as if I type some
> characters get missed out... so, for instance, if I was to type (at
> full speed) "I would like to go to the park today to feed the ducks" I
> might get "I wold lik t g totheprk tday tfed thucks"
> Any ideas?
> Sean
Wubi utilises the hardware directly.  The only latency issues you should
have are with disk i/o.

Wubi basically sets up a virtual partition on the windows HD and and
does a pretty standard install into that virtual drive.

The only things I can think of is that the partition was too small or
there is an issue with the drive itself.
Seek That Thy Might Know


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