Hi guys,

I recently made the switch to XFCE, and mostly it's working well.  Quick,
clean interface etc.

The one thing I can't fix is Conky.  It used to display on the nautilus
desktop... and it still starts up with no errors... but I can't see where it

starting from the command line gives

m...@alida:~$ conky
Conky: desktop window (1e00003) is subwindow of root window (15a)
Conky: window type - override
Conky: drawing to created window (0x4a00001)
Conky: drawing to double buffer

and my conf file is fairly standard:

m...@alida:~$ cat .conkyrc

# Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
own_window yes
own_window_type override
own_window_transparent yes
## apparently this is not needed in XFCE
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager

# Stop stuff going to stdout
out_to_console no

# Use double buffering (reduces flicker)
double_buffer yes

# fiddle with window
use_spacer right

# Use Xft?
use_xft yes
xftfont andalemono:size=8:weight=700
xftalpha 0.8
text_buffer_size 2048
uppercase yes

# Update interval in seconds
update_interval 5.0

# Draw shades?
draw_shades no

# Text stuff
draw_outline no # amplifies text if yes
uppercase no # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase

# borders
draw_borders no
#stippled_borders 3
#border_margin 9
#border_width 10

# Default colors and also border colors, grey90 == #e5e5e5
default_color black
#default_color white

own_window_colour brown
own_window_transparent yes

# Alignment
alignment top_right

# Gap between borders of screen and text
gap_x 10
gap_y 30

# load lua script(s)
lua_load /home/matt/bin/conky/readfile.lua

# stuff after 'TEXT' will be formatted on screen
${voffset -20}${alignc 80}${color orange}${font OpenLogos:size=90}v${font}
${voffset -35}${color orange}$nodename ${hr 2}$color
$sysname $kernel on $machine
Uptime $uptime

${color orange}WORLD TIMES ${hr 2}$color
Time in UK: ${goto 130}${tztime Europe/London %H:%M  %d/%b}
Time in Barcelona: ${goto 130}${tztime Europe/Madrid %H:%M  %d/%b}
Time in Cochin: ${goto 130}${tztime Asia/Kolkata %H:%M  %d/%b}
Time in São Paulo: ${goto 130}${tztime Brazil/East %H:%M  %d/%b}

${color orange}INFO ${hr 2}$color
${if_running banshee-1}${execi 5 BansheeNowPlaying|fold -w 60}${else}Banshee
is not running${endif}

${lua readfile /home/matt/bin/script_data/TheLatestBugle.txt}

${lua readfile /home/matt/Desktop/UPDATES.txt}
${color orange}CPU ${hr 2}$color
${freq}MHz   ${goto 100}Temp: ${acpitemp}°C  ${goto 200}GPU Temp: ${execi 5
nvidia-settings -q GPUCoreTemp -t}°C
Processes:$processes ${alignr}$running_processes running
Load: ${loadavg}
${cpugraph 000000 ffffff}
${goto 15}CPU% ${goto 70}MEM% ${goto 155}NAME ${goto 250}PID${font
${goto 15}${top cpu 1} ${goto 70}${top mem 1}  ${goto 155}${top name 1} ${goto
250}${top pid 1}
${goto 15}${top cpu 2} ${goto 70}${top mem 2}  ${goto 155}${top name 2} ${goto
250}${top pid 2}
${goto 15}${top cpu 3} ${goto 70}${top mem 3}  ${goto 155}${top name 3} ${goto
250}${top pid 3}
${goto 15}${top cpu 4} ${goto 70}${top mem 4}  ${goto 155}${top name 4} ${goto
250}${top pid 4}${font}

${color orange}MEMORY | DISK ${hr 2}$color
RAM:   $memperc%   ${membar 6}$color
Swap:  $swapperc%   ${swapbar 6}$color

Filesystems:  ${fs_free /}  free of  ${fs_size /}
${fs_bar 6 /}$color

${color orange}NETWORK ${hr 2}$color
Address: ${addr wlan0}  on $gw_iface
Down: $color${downspeed wlan0}/s ${alignr}Up: ${upspeed wlan0}/s
${downspeedgraph wlan0 25,140 000000 ff0000} ${alignr}${upspeedgraph wlan0
25,140 000000 00ff00}$color
Total: ${totaldown wlan0} ${alignr}Total: ${totalup wlan0}

Has anyone else had/fixed this problem?

Otherwise... some pointers on how to investigate this further would be


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