Hi Guys

I'm running Xubuntu 10.4. A couple of days ago I downloaded a routine update 
which required a reboot to complete. After that I had no wireless connectivity 
and no Network Manager applet (nm-applet) icon in the notification area.

Following much experimentation I discovered I could get wi-fi and the nm-applet 
icon as long as I started the process using the command line in a terminal 
window, and kept that window open. As soon as I closed the window, the wi-fi 
connection was lost, together with the icon. Fortunately, a cable connection to 
my router continued to provide internet access, but with no nm-applet icon.

Having run out of ideas, I created a new session at the login window. Amazingly 
everything worked fine as long as I logged in using the new "Test" session. The 
"Default" session still didn't work and that remains the case now.

I now have a "Test" session that needs to be used all the time , and a 
"Default" session that is broken. Does anybody know how I can delete the 
current "Default" session and then rename the "Test" session to make that the 
new default?

Although of less importance now, I'd be interested in any ideas as to the 
fundamental cause of the problem in case it ever happens again.

Thanks and regards


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