Hi all,

Last year we had a rather smashing time at the Christmas event with an 
evening of sherry and mince pies at the Hub in Islington, London. I 
propose we do something along the same lines, perhaps at a different 
venue. There is another Hub in Kings Cross which is rather nice, and I 
am sure there are other venues about which we could invade, either ones 
we can hire (it worked out at £5 per head last year), or get for 
nothing. I would rather not do a pub evening for this (but we should do 
one some other time).

If London happens not to be the city nearest you and you think LoCo 
things are too London centric, then fear not, there is a solution to 
this! Email the list with something along the lines of "I want to 
organise a christmas party in $city, who would like to come along/help 
me organise it?" and in no time at all there will be an event convenient 
for you to attend :)



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