On 4 November 2010 15:20, Matt Darcy <ubuntu.li...@projecthugo.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi Ubuntu uk,
> This is tricky subject to summerize. I'm pretty confident there isn't a
> solution to do what I want, but I need a sounding board, so your it.
> I'm looking at using vsftpd as an open ftp daemon, utilising the virtual
> user functionality so I don't have to use genuine /etc/passwd or shell
> based accounts.
> The issue I've got is that I need multiple users (no problem so far) to
> then have different read/write access to different directories under the
> ftp root.
> The virtual users have no awareness or interaction with the Unix file
> system permissions, nor do they respect them as they work through the
> ftpd process owning account.
> I'm looking at clever ways to do this such as a permissions schema
> linking into mysql, but it's starting to get a bit over the top. I'm
> confident this isn't possible but thought I'd throw it out to the list
> to see if any of you have come up with clever solutions.

Take a look at the user_config_dir option. Using it you can change
settings depending on the logged in user, and hence implement basic
permissions (like locking them to folders, etc.). If you want anything
more advanced then I think vsftpd is not for you (not that I've ever
had much fun with the others, personally).



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