Hi Guys and Laura,
I must say I really enjoyed your last episode (20).  The discussion on putting 
up with bugs v's reporting them v's changing apps/distros/underwear was 
*great*.  I REALLY agree with the principle that bugs should be reported.  The 
thing that limits that is the effort it takes to report bugs.  As was pointed 
out, people have a life and are trying to get things done.  If reporting (and 
following up on) bugs isn't QUICK *and* EASY, most people just won't do it.

I was really impressed to hear that gwibber allows quick bug reporting from the 
help.  That's exactly what I've thought should be done.  I believe that every 
app should allow bugs to be reported from that app - just by pressing F1 and 
clicking on a "File bug/Request feature" link.  How to get that in?
It seems to me that gnome could 'specify' a standard that all gnome apps should 
have that button in the apps help screen that would take the user to the bug 
reporting site for the project, with many of the reporting fields prefilled.  
OK, that's going to take some time to happen, even if everyone agreed tomorrow 
to do it.  Canonical seems to me to be ideally placed to actually implement 
this - right now.  After all, they tweak the base distro AND have a bug 
reporting system.  I imagine it wouldn't take too much effort to add in a 
button into the help function for each app.  Speaking as a non-programmer, I'm 
guessing that there are probably standard calls for the help window, or that a 
script could search out the 'F1' calls in an app, and splice in some extra code.
The 'File bug/feature request' link could take the user to a launchpad page for 
that app.  If/when at somepoint the app has its own bug reporting page then the 
link could be redirected there.

If modifying each app through a script is not feasible, ubuntu could intercept 
the F1 calls and overlay a window with the bug filing link, and still pull up 
the apps normal help window - all it would need to know is which window has the 
focus when F1 is pressed.  The same bug filing/feature request idea would be 
applicable to KDE.
Similarly, when you press F1 from that app again, you'd get a list of the bugs 
you've filed e.g. at the bottom of the help, or in a direct link).

I havn't pushed this idea before as, to be frank, I'd no idea where to send it 
to.  I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on this, and how to push the idea 
if you think it has merit.  If it had some support from anyone in canonical it 
might gain some traction.


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