Hi there ....

I rarely need OCR, but one of my slight disappointments is the lack of a
really accurate OCR engine for Linux.  I've tried all the ones that
exist (that I've found so far), and apart from being a bit awkward to
operate, no matter how much I vary the scan settings, I always end up
doing a lot of corrections to the output.

I've solved the problem by getting an old copy of 'TextBridge OCR' to
work under Wine.  It's one that came with a long dead scanner I had some
years ago.  The thing is, TextBridge produces far more accurate output
with little or no messing about.  It even drives the scanner through
Twain (I was surprised and pleased by that).

Is anyone out there getting real accuracy with a native Linux app?

Regards,                Barry Drake.
Sent from my desktop using Ubuntu - the window-free environment
that gives me real fresh air.


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