On Fri, 2011-01-14 at 10:55 +0000, Sean Miller wrote:
> This is a slight tangent, but I'd like to see this but don't fancy
> upgrading this installation this early in the process... under WUBI
> can I have two versions of Ubuntu?
> ie. when I boot can I have "Ubuntu 10.04" AND "11.04" (and obviously
> Windows) all as options?
> As it's stored in a subdirectory of the windows partition, if the
> answer is "no" I'd ask "why?"
> Sean
I currently am missing the ziestgiest search feature and the various
menus that are missing, but these ar eall addable to the plugin so I'm
not worried about that.

My only current concern is the race condition where by you get no menus
appearing or you get no unity at all.  Again there is a lot going on in
the desktop space and hopefully with all the egghead devs locked in a
hotel all week these issues will be well on there way to being ironed

Seek That Thy Might Know


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