On 01/18/2011 09:56 AM, Paul Sladen wrote:
Hello people,

Ubuntu currently ships a printer test page, which looks something
like this:


and hundreds of thousands (millions...) of these get printed each year
by people setting up their printer because the default action offered
to the user to to print a test page after adding the printer.

Virtually all of these sheets are only usable as scrap-paper
afterwards and a lot probably go straight in the bin.  It's also
currently not that attractive.

Question is, could we do something more *useful* with these instead,
that would allow them to have a meaningful secondary purpose.
I thought of:

   * A4 advert "I run X/K/Ubuntu"
   * My Foobar 2700 duplex printer works with Ubuntu, does yours?
   * An envelope or magic-folding return-form:
       http://www.letterfu.com/index.php [*]
   * Some other zero-cut origami design (animal of the latest release?)

And perhaps you could think of a few more.  My hope would be that the
output could have some longevity, perhaps spark some more interest in

This is a bit like the installer in some ways, originally that was
just a progress bar and now it's an interactive slideshow introducing
many of the features and look of Ubuntu.


[*] This was done by a Friend a few years back, and I still find it
ingenious, it uses diagonal folds that self-interlock and are sealed
together by sticking down the stamp.

What about some picture that children can colour in?



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