On 17 March 2011 13:21, Gordon Burgess-Parker <gbpli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a dual-boot machine - Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04. I'm looking to
> remove the Windows part but unfortunately the Ubuntun install is on an
> extended partition. Is there any way to convert that extended partition to
> the active partition, or do I have to reformat and re-install?
> --

You don't need to remove the extended partition. Linux is quite happy
if the disk only has logical partitions inside a single extended
partition. There is no requirement for a primary partition.

If you really want to convert, you have to delete the extended
partition and create a new primary partition.

Otherwise, if there's room, you could reformat the ex-Windows
partition and copy the Ubuntu partition into it, then delete the old
Ubuntu partition and resize to make use of all the disk.



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