On 18/03/11 23:45, Phill Whiteside wrote:

If you guys and gals capture Alan Bell as your team leader, you have made a fantastic catch. Across all the teams I see him assist on he is the epitome of what ubuntu means. He is caring, thoughtful, considerate and knowledgeable. I know that across the teams we are both involved in that they are glad of his input into them and he is greatly appreciated by them. The title means nothing, Alan is not here for 'little badges', he is here to help the community. Do not lose this chance. I know for a fact it will not stop his work on the other teams, just a bit more work for him :)


that is kinda not the point! This is just an exercise in getting the documentation straight, which I fully support. You are right in that the title means little to me, call me Janitor if you like. The thing is that we have been using the terms "Point of Contact" and "Team Leader" interchangeably, you can see that in the initial announcement from Dave Walker and the extension of the nomination period announced by Alan Pope. I in fact thought that "Point of Contact" was the new name and "Team Leader" was a deprecated title for the same thing, however this is not quite the case, and we don't get to define these roles as a team, the two roles are defined for us by the LoCo council here:

We *must* have a Team Contact, we *may* have a Team Leader, if both then these *may* be the same person.

So this isn't something that involves a risk of getting rid of me! Just a bit of bureaucratic tidying up to avoid confusion going forward and next time around.



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