On 03/04/11 21:10, Tim Dobson wrote:
> Just wondered, does anyone have any experience or has seen any blogs
> posts of anyone bonding two or more 3G  connections so they can
> aggregate the bandwidth?
> If you've seen or heard of anyone doing this I'd be interested to know
> any hints on how they went about it. :)

Yeah, I think, it's quite easy*.

Hook each dongle up to computer and connect with wvdial or whatever.
Setup VPN over each separate dongle to VPN endpoint.
Put all the VPN interfaces in a bonded interface locally.
Perhaps do some clever stuff at the VPN endpoint side.

kind of:
client => (3 x VPN => 3x(3G Dongle => network => internet) => VPN
server) => internet

Simple right? ;)

Maybe I should try it and see where it starts breaking.. :P


*everything is easy to do in a theoretical sense!


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