On Wed, 2011-04-27 at 13:27 +0100, Colin Law wrote:
> When this happens is it necessary to reboot fairly urgently or is it
> ok to delay this till a convenient time.  In other words is there a
> significant difference between delaying the update because it will ask
> for a reboot, and delaying the update itself.

In my experience, you don't need to reboot immediately. But if it was a
kernel update (to the same number kernel, not a new one), suspending or
inserting new hardware may be unreliable. If it was an important library
like libc6, starting new applications may be unstable, but the
currently-loaded ones are fine.

My rule is: update immediately, and reboot at the end of the day, before
trying to put the laptop to sleep.


"The belief in immortality has always seemed cowardly to me. When very
young I learned that all things die, and all that we wish of good must
be won on this earth or not at all."
   -- Anne Smedley


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