I've plumped for Ubuntu 11.04 and Unity on my friend's Dads laptop. I
figured this was the best choice given the future direction of Ubuntu,
and I can support him because I use it myself.

As part of the PC build for my friend's Dad I've decided to write a
short guide to Ubuntu / Unity for him. The goal is to cover the basics
that a brand new user would need to know. It will include screenshots
and a few website links for more info. I'd like to hope I can get this
into only a few pages.

Again I've got an etherpad document I've started to gather thoughts.


I'm not at all interested in discussions about the technicalities of
how I'll be writing it but for reference I'll do this in LibreOffice
as a simple document and will spit it out as a PDF in his home
directory and give him a printed copy. I'

I'm happy to share what I've done if people want it.

Suggestions for topics to cover welcome here or on etherpad.



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