On Thu, 2011-06-09 at 14:40 +0100, Tony Pursell wrote:

> Your comments would be welcome on the Ayatana mailing list
> (https://launchpad.net/~ayatana).  At least by me.  I quite like Unity,
> but there is a lot missing (like your 'usual widgets').  Something I am
> trying to get across to them there. 
> By the way, have you discovered Super-W yet - for seeing all your
> windows in one go.
> Tony

OK, thanks, I'll head over there (and tone down the whining ;) 

Oooooh super+w rocks - ta! If anyone else is scratching their heads
about how to make Unity do what it's told without having to read the
entire F* compiz manual, just found Ubuntu Geek lists the main kb
- my fellow memory-challenged peeps might appreciate wallpaper which
lists the vital shortcuts and mousetricks:

The compiz documentation seems a bit convoluted and life is short, there
doesn't seem to be much quickie Unity help - think we could probably
also do with an Ubuntu-style tutorial so that others don't have to waste
quite so much time figuring it out? I'm not really finding it very
discoverable - but maybe I'm just getting old? 



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