On 24/06/11 10:11, Alan Pope wrote:
As a team we do "stuff" for the Ubuntu. Most of this stuff is based on
ideas a few people have had within the team. This includes:-

* Support
* Advocacy
* Promotion
* Events

I figured it's time to get some fresh ideas.

So, simple question:-

"As a team, what should we be doing within the UK?"

What would be really good is to just brainstorm, get a bunch of ideas,
NOT debate each one into the ground, just come up with ideas, the
details can follow later.

Here's my starter for 10.

"UK Team should seek monetary sponsorship from companies and
individuals, and invest that sponsorship money in Ubuntu related
projects and events in the UK"

Your turn.


1) Mention or talk about Ubuntu at least once per day to someone who uses Windows. Not in a pushy way, but maybe almost in passing. It raises awareness about an alternative for Windows.

2) The next step is to create an eager need in the potential customer. We do not have to do much for this because I think MS is often working for us in this regard.

alan cocks
Ubuntu user


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