Hi Alan,

Can't see how Public Pad works. 

I'm looking to start  LoCos in Darlington and Middlesbrough during
August, September. This could be added to New Teams. Promoting through 
posters and DVD distribution throughout both towns. 

In the same places I am also starting an Open-Source Club for small and
home business. That will also benchmark Ubuntu with Windows solutions.

Currently studying the Ubuntu Professional Course with a view towards
supporting other people in studying the Course. 

Offering to become a distributor for Edubuntu DVDs.


On Wed, 2011-07-06 at 20:18 +0100, Alan Bell wrote:
> Hi all,
> we had a meeting scheduled for this evening to go through the reapproval 
> application, I think a "meeting" with an agenda isn't really what we 
> need so we are having a kind of workshop/ collaboration session using 
> IRC and the #ubuntu-uk channel http://ubuntu-uk.org/join-the-conversation/
> Also might try to do some voice conferencing using mumble (available in 
> the software centre) and my server at mumble.libertus.co.uk however we 
> are having a few connection difficulties at the moment (server seems fine)
> We are drafting the reapproval on this page 
> http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/reapproval
> and it has to meet all the requirements here 
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoGettingApproved
> do come and join in, we need all the help we can get!
> Alan
> -- 
> The Open Learning Centre is rebranding, find out about our new name and look 
> at http://libertus.co.uk


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