> On 26/07/11 14:58, Chris Rowson wrote:
>> I thought I'd just put this out there because I can't seem to find any
>> information... Hopefully one of you good people will know :-)
>> Does smbfs run any kind of error checking/correction on during
>> transfer of data to SMB shares on Windows machines? I'm backing some
>> stuff up to a Window machine and wondered if I need to run md5sum on
>> the files to check for corruption during transfer, or whether SMB/CIFS
>> deals with that automatically?
> Hi, Chris.
> Well, TCP/IP does check packet integrity and SMB runs on top of it.
> However, why not use rsync with checksums enabled for your xfers?
> Bye,
>  Tony.

Thanks Tony,

I guess I should have said smbclient rather than smbfs but you got the
gist of what I meant :-)

You're right of course; I did consider setting up rsync for backup
transfers but it got sent to the back of the queue workwise. I might
take a look at it for the extra piece of mind.




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