On 09/11/11 11:23, Juan J. Martínez wrote:

I'm very frustrated with the Gwibber version included in Ubuntu 11.10.

It's not only that has more bugs than the version shipped in 11.04
(which had bugs, but it was easier to not step over them), but the UI
and the functionality have changed and now it's useless for me (I want
the tabs back!).
what are the bug numbers? Patches are welcome, bzr branch lp:gwibber and have a play with it.

My question is, being as integrated in Unity as it is, is it viable to
replace it with a different client?
you can certainly remove the gwibber accounts you have (or just leave them), and add a different client, but some other clients might not be as integrated.

For example, http://www.hotot.org/ looks great; but I don't know if I
can get rid of Gwibber cleanly or if there will be some "remains" (I
don't use Thunderbird, but I couldn't get rid of it in the indicator).
I really wouldn't bother getting rid of gwibber, doing that would probably remove the ubuntu-desktop package, which isn't ideal long term because it won't pull in any new packages on an upgrade without that.

Any comments will be welcome!



Libertus Solutions http://libertus.co.uk


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