On 12/11/11 14:05, Andy Smith wrote:
> Hi Alan,
> On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 12:35:03PM +0000, alan c wrote:
>> I am starting to use G+ and have just written an item, shared (I
>> think)with the Ubuntu UK  Team (circle).
> If that is a circle that you created, I think that only influences
> what the people you put in that circle see.
>> Is it actually there? Anyone?
> I don't see a post from you on the Ubuntu UK page. When I look on
> your specific page, I get "alan hasn't shared anything with you."

Thanks Andy. mmm what to do.
I have a Circle named Ubuntu UK Team, with only Ubuntu UK Team in it.

I enter this circle and put text into 'share whats new' at the top.
Then 'share', and it gets shown when I look in my Ubuntu UK Team
Circle as if it is posted  to Ubuntu UK Team. Below it  I see three items:

+1                 Comment                Share

and when I click on 'Share' I see:
'This post was originally shared with a limited audience – remember to
be thoughtful about who you share it with'
Which I had guessed that it was shared inside the Ubuntu UK Team
Circle - that is, shared WITH the Ubuntu UK Team, but maybe not??

alan cocks
Ubuntu user


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