Hi all,

Following the last meeting [1], I was left with the action to look for a venue to do some Ubuntu desktop app hacking evenings. As suggested by Jorvik during the meeting, I went tonight to have a look at the London Hackspace in Hoxton [2] to see if it would be a good place to do that. So here's a quick summary:

 * The space is good, there's wi-fi and a "quiet" room where they do
   talks and events that would be suited to that.
 * If the event is open to all at the Hackspace, we'd be able to do it
   for free. Of course, we would need to chose the day so that is
   doesn't clash with other events. I reckon that's a good thing as it
   could get more people interested.
 * Non-members are welcome too so there's no need to become a member.
   Although they won't say no if you contribute a small donation or
   decide to become a member :-)
 * The only downside is that it's slightly out of the way and a fair
   walk from the closest tube station (Old Street).

Generally, they seem very open to anything as long as it's hacking of some sort and everybody can get involved so it definitely looks like a good option to me.

[1] http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-uk-meeting/2011/ubuntu-uk-meeting.2011-11-10-21.07.log.txt
[2] https://london.hackspace.org.uk/




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