On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 7:41 PM, Pete <psmo...@live.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Probably a mute point, and I have no wish to feed a troll, but on TV
> earlier they were advertising 'Norton Tablet Security' for Android tablets,
> given the close similarity between Android and LINUX / UNIX based systems
> (I believe Android started out as open source based on LINUX), is it now
> essential to install an Anti-virus / anti malware on our systems?
> Just got me thinking thats all.
> Regards
> Pete.
Linux is a kernel and Android is an operating system which uses the Linux

I guess the vectors for attack on an Android system are going to be
different from a say - an Ubuntu system.

I know it's probably weird to bring Windows into the equation but it
demonstrates my point quite well. 70% of the vulnerabilities in MS Windows
from the past 5 years wouldn't have affected server core even though it
uses the same kernel. Why? Because it is missing many of the 'features' of
the full version (like a GUI for instance) which reduces it's attack vector.


Just goes to show, that the majority of vulnerabilities are in parts of the
operating system other than the kernel...


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