I can see you were the last to edit the pre-installed wiki but I don't know
how. It didn't seemto like me for some reason.

On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 4:29 PM, Barry Drake <ubuntu-advertis...@gmx.com>wrote:

> On 02/12/11 15:57, Gareth France wrote:
>> Very true, I'm quite new here so I don't really know anyone yet. Oddly
>> enough everyone I'm getting to know seems to be called Alan!! I value the
>> support community a lot but have found sometimes a question gets asked and
>> goes unsolved, like the printer authentication issue being discussed on
>> here today. I was wondering if paying Canonical for support might provide
>> prompt results in these cases. Or even might it be worth developing my own
>> knowledgebase as I go?
> Yes - I was in London last Spring, an felt quite out of place as a Barry
> with no less than three Alans .....  but they assured me that you don't
> have to be called Alan to join the community.
> As I've never been on the receiving end of Canonical support, I have no
> idea what you get for your money.  I'm sure Alan Bell and Alan Lord will be
> able to tell you.  I just wonder if their answers might be different from
> one another :-D
> I think all of us develop our knowledgebase in different ways.  You might
> think about networking with some of the other suppliers that are on the
> 'Ubuntu pre-installed' wiki.  BTW - if you are not on there, do something
> about it.  I recently bought a pre-installed used netbook from one of them,
> and we both increased our knowledgebase by working together to solve a
> problem on it.  The increase of knowledge was exponential!  I have since
> bought another computer from the same guy, so obviousl I considered the
> problem well handled.
> The thing is, you get a problem that no-one else has encountered, and you
> are not going to get an instant answer, even in you pay a support firm an
> absolute fortune.
> Kind regards,        Barry.
> --
> Barry Drake is a member of the the Ubuntu Advertising team.
> http://ubuntuadverts.org/
> --
> ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/**mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk<https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk>
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/**UKTeam/ <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/>

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