** Liam Proven <lpro...@gmail.com> [2011-12-27 20:39]:
> On 27 December 2011 19:25, Paul Tansom <p...@aptanet.com> wrote:
> > ** Nigel Verity <nigelver...@hotmail.com> [2011-12-25 10:25]:
> >> Dear All
> >> Santa brought my daughter her first laptop for Christmas. In common with 
> >> most 11-year olds she appears to never listen to a word I say, but almost 
> >> her first comment after opening the box was "has it already got Linux on 
> >> it?". There is hope for the future!
> > ** end quote [Nigel Verity]
> >
> > I tweeted/Facebook'd/Google+'d/Dented a coupld of similar things about my
> > eldest son (10, nearly 11) recently. The first was a question he asked 
> > shortly
> > after I'd installed Ubuntu on the family PC, which was "Why doesn't the 
> > school
> > use Linux?". The second came about a week later I think, when he was heard 
> > to
> > say "I'm going to use Linux because it is faster, more reliable and has 
> > lots of
> > cool games".
> >
> > Some things just make you feel warm all over and consider that it is worth 
> > it
> > and there really is hope :)
> Like it!
> Now, see, if your sig contained your Twitter ID, say, I could have
> found that and retweeted it. ;¬)
** end quote [Liam Proven]

Just Google my name, I'm not that difficult to find ;) I'm aptanet on twitter
and identica. It is also linked from the website in my sig. :)

Paul Tansom | Aptanet Ltd. | http://www.aptanet.com/ | 023 9238 0001
Registered in England  |  Company No: 4905028  |  Registered Office:
Crawford House, Hambledon Road, Denmead, Waterlooville, Hants, PO7 6NU


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