On Mar 7, 2012 7:01 PM, "alan c" <aecl...@candt.waitrose.com> wrote:
> What I took from this exchange was that the retail goldfish bowl we
> all actually live in, is one of deep immersion. There is hardly
> anywhere we can go, or that I can think of, which does not have only
> retail air to breathe. There is 'no such thing as a free lunch' is
> mostly true in the real world, although exceptionally, not with most
> of GNU/Linux. There is a price, though, but for end users all they
> have to do is trust in the social generosity of developers and teams.
> But trust in strangers is not something that comes easy in a world
> full of scams.
> However, I do like the idea of more marketing.
> --
> alan cocks

Whenever I've been faced with trying to explain to people about how the
whole open source/Free Software thing works, I usually end up using the St.
John's Ambulance as an example of people's generosity and helping for no
cost, and using footballers playing charity matches for examples of how
someone doing something for no cost doesn't automatically mean that the
result of their efforts is of a poorer quality than that of someone being
paid for their work.

People seem to understand these two analogies quite well.


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