On Mar 21, 2012 12:16 PM, "Barry Drake" <ubuntu-advertis...@gmx.com> wrote:
> The below bounced because of the size of the screenshot.  Attempts to
show the problem in a screenshot less than the permitted 40kb were
unsuccessful, so I hope someone can recognise the problem from the
description alone.
> Hi there .... This morning I am faced with the desktop icons showing the
description and the tool-tip as well - see attached screenshot. This was
after yesterday's updates to Precise. Anyone else seen this? And how on
earth should I report it? Kind regards, Barry. -- Barry Drake is a member
of the the Ubuntu Advertising team. http://ubuntuadverts.org/
> --
> ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/

Hi Barry,

Can you upload the screenshot to something like photobucket or imageshack.

Some things to try: try other desktops like unity-2d. Do you still have the
issue on newly created icons? Still an issue after a reboot? Have you tries
previous kernerl versions from the grub menu? Any recent updates?


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