On 08/04/12 20:41, Alan Pope wrote:
Interesting feedback Barry. I certainly didn't expect this, but then I naïvely expected people on this list to have taken a look at 12.04 previously, and be familiar with the basics. Thanks for highlighting this.

Maybe a bit of over-reaction on my part. But I've spent the last couple of years moving ordinary non-computer literate Windows folk over to Ubuntu. My wife, my sister various friends etc. My sister's stepdaughter was horrified - 'Linux is for geeks ...' Then she took a look at it and realised that Ubuntu is very user-friendly. For her many sins, she now works for Spec-Savers .... need I say more ....

The thing is, I've trained myself to think like a non-geek who is familiar with Microsoft Windows, and is now using Ubuntu. Thinking in that way rules out words like 'panel', 'dash', 'launcher' and many many more as well as program names such as nautilus. If my friend Heidi phones, I'm not going to say 'Open the dash ... ' but rather, left click on the top icon on the column on the left of your screen, then left click the icon at the bottom that looks a bit like a ruler and two candles' (what on earth the apps icon is supposed to be is quite beyond me .... ). And by the way, isn't a 'window' something for looking out of? Get the drift? If we keep checking ourselves, we'll be amazed how much geek-speak we use.

Having said all that, just as soon as my Raspberry Pi arrives, I'm going to be in the local school trying to make sure that the next generation gets kick-started in real computer literacy just as my son and I were with the Sinclair ZX81 ..... ah, those were the days.

Kind regards,        Barry.

Barry Drake is a member of the the Ubuntu Advertising team.


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