On 9 May 2012 18:36, Matthew Sturdy <matt.stu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I return to tty3 and killed the process (CTRL+C).  then I started gdm and
> all was ok again.
> It seems to be a bug in gdm or unity at this stage.. .but I can't really
> raise it without knowing which!
> Any other suggestions?

Not really. The only thing that seems odd. Why are you using gdm? Is
there a reason why you are not using lightdm?

Is this a machine that has been upgraded a number of times? If so, do
you have an old Xorg.conf file in play? If that is the case, it may be
worth backing it up to a safe place and running without it.

After that, I am out of ideas! :-)

Philip Stubbs


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