Hi Rebecca,

Sorry you can't make it - yes, all the talks will be video'd by the
University's system and we'll post a link on the website afterwards.
We'll also be tweeting and on IRC on the day @flossie #flossie and IRC
Freenode #fossbox.

I'm not sure if I'll make it to OggCamp, Liverpool is a bit of a
distance so I'll wait until Flossie is over before I commit.  I'll
happily circulate info about it anyway.


On 15/05/12 21:16, Rebecca Newborough wrote:
> On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 12:05 AM, Paula Graham <pmg...@gmx.co.uk
> <mailto:pmg...@gmx.co.uk>> wrote:
>     Flossie 2012, 25/26 May, is a conference Fossbox, G.Hack and
>     Codasign are organising for women interested in open source, open
>     culture - and all things open.  Women involved with tech projects,
>     arts, non-profits and VCOs equally welcome. View the programme
>     here: http://www.flossie.org/?page_id=125
>     Still a few tickets left - book here:
>     http://flossie2012.eventbrite.co.uk/ (tickets free, donations
>     appreciated)
>     We're looking for a couple more female volunteers who can commit
>     to the whole two days or at least one whole day. Email
>     i...@flossie.org <mailto:i...@flossie.org> if you can help woman
>     the reception desk or help with tech support - or if you just want
>     more info.
>     Hope to see some of you there!
>     Paula
> Hi Paula
> Good luck for the Flossie 2012 event. For those of us who aren't able
> to attend the event, will any of the talks be video'd and posted
> online to view?  Hopefully I'll get to meet you and some other Flossie
> members/contributors at this year's OggCamp event.
> Cheers
> Becky Newborough


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