On 31/05/12 12:05, Toby Satchell wrote:
Thanks for the info, I tried Gedit, but I couldn't find a plugin that
would enable connection to a remote and local site, similar to
I don't really know much about Dreamweaver I will admit but you can mount remote directories and use them through the file browser in gEdit. Example: http://oi47.tinypic.com/2nvw0g7.jpg

I think 'Aptana' has a similar 'Site Management' tool to Dreamweaver that would apply to Eclipse too. Personally I find them too 'heavy' for most of my work.

Anyway you can connect to FTP, SFTP etc etc. In Xubuntu take a look at http://askubuntu.com/questions/70423/how-do-i-connect-to-a-server-with-thunar-in-xubuntu/77537#77537.



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