Hi Jon
Thanks very much for the info. I have registered as you suggest.
Unfortunately I live in Shropshire, which isn't much help regarding RMS' 
accommodation. Can I suggest you put a request on the Ubuntu UK mailing list? 
It has a wide readership of FLOSS devotees, with updates being sent out several 
times a day. I would be amazed if there is nobody in the London area who would 
welcome such a distinguished house guest.

From: jon.ne...@forward.co.uk
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2012 10:07:54 +0100
Subject: Re: Richard Stallman Event
To: nigelver...@hotmail.com

Hi Nige,
Thanks for getting in touch. It is open to all comers, and currently there are 
some spaces left. We are encouraging people to register at 
http://richardstallmanvisitsforward.heroku.com, so that we can send out updates 
about the event. Please spread the word, and tell anyone else who might be 

Also, Richard Stallman is looking for a place to stay while he's in London. If 
you know anyone who might be interested in putting him up on a sofa for a night 
or two, please put them in touch with me.

Many thanks
Jon Neale

On 12 June 2012 09:55, Nigel Verity <nigelver...@hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi Jon
I received an email from the FSF stating that your company is hosting a talk by 
Richard Stallman on 22nd June. Is it open to all-comers? If so are there any 
spaces left?

Nige Verity                                       


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