On 17 June 2012 14:15, pete smout <psmo...@live.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> After years of trying to persuade my step dad to use ubuntu instead of
> windows he has finally agreed to let me install it alongside win7!
> But his mouse is not recognised on the live cd.
> the machine is a sony viao VGC-LV1S pc (all in the screen) with an internal
> sensor for a wireless keyboard and mouse (not USB) and the keyboard works
> fine but not the mouse.
> from the live cd I have tried lsusb to see if the mouse appears but it does
> not (nor does the keyboard which is what makes me think it isn't USB)
> After that I am out of ideas any suggestions?
> Regards
> Pete

Without doing any research my first thought is: is bluetooth turned
on? I have a suspicion the keyboard and mouse may well be bluetooth
peripherals. If so you will also have to set them up (pair them) as
devices within Ubuntu.



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