Thanks for your suggestion, I will give it a try when I can. I have already installed Windows XP onto an old PC and used that to connect my PlayBook, which worked, although it took a few attempts.

It is unfortunate that all the tablet makers really only consider Windows and Mac OS X when making drivers, even though they might be using something quite different on the tablet, whether Linux or Unix-based.

David King

On 24/06/12 19:28, LeeGroups wrote:

Sorry, only just got around to catching up with the mailing list and your email.

If you can get the old PC working with windows, or just use another windows PC for a few mins, plug in your Playbook and let it install the drivers. Then install something like DriverMax or Driver Magician (both free downloads). These are windows driver backup programs. Run one of them and extract the drivers onto a USB stick. You can then uninstall the program and the drivers. Back in VBox, install the drivers from the USB stick. I've not tried it but it may well work!


On 15/06/12 14:34, David King wrote:
I recently purchased a BlackBerry PlayBook. It's a great tablet, but it seems that RIM are not that Linux-friendly. Their OS is based on QNX, a Unix-type OS, so I thought they might at least have some Linux understanding.

I can connect the PlayBook to Ubuntu via wifi, no problem, I can just enter smb:// (i.e. the PlayBook's IP address) and I can see all the files on there in Nautilus. I had enquired about this with RIM support and they could only tell me how to do it in Windows and Mac on their website, and suggested the Mac way for Linux. I suggested they add that it works for Linux too on their website, which they are considering.

But to do much more with the PlayBook, I have to connect it to a PC (or Mac) via the USB cable.

There does not seem to be any way to get this to work in Ubuntu, but if anyone knows how, let me know. The USB connection is necessary to do a system backup and for installing .bar files onto the PlayBook (apps converted from Android apk files).

I need to do it in Windows. So I used Windows in VirtualBox, connected the PlayBook via USB and Windows could see the PlayBook, but would not install the drivers. I contacted RIM tech support and they said the drivers are on the PlayBook and the Windows PC should automatically install the drivers. But in VirtualBox this is not working.

Any ideas how to overcome this problem? I have an old Windows XP disc somewhere. If I can find it, I can install it onto an old PC and try that, but until then the only way I am running Windows is via VirtualBox.

Anyone else had any experience with using the BlackBerry PlayBook?

David King


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