I recently moved my Ubuntu installation (10.10) from one hard disk to another. I also installed Linux Mint on the new drive, which controls the boot menu (on the old hard disk the boot menu was installed by Ubuntu 11.10).

Previously when booting into Ubuntu an external hard drive on a USB 3 port automatically mounted, using its entry in fstab.

Now, when booting from the new hard disk (the partition was copied using dd so it should be identical to the old one), it fails to mount the USB 3 disk.

Once Ubuntu has booted, I have to switch off the USB 3 drive, switch it back on, and then run sudo mount -a to get it mounted. Before I do this there is no way to mount it, it is not even listed in gparted.

So how can I get the USB 3 drive automatically recognised and mounted at bootup as before?

David K

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