Sorry long email but I do not know how to separate it in chunks. 

>   I attach the screen shots and as mentioned plan to the install the
> new system from the SD Card some time on Thursday.

Hello All,

Yesterday I tried to help a friend who's installation would not update.
I thought it was ubuntu on a dual boot way. But when I got there I
realized that in reality it was wubi. 

The system was all backed up in a separate NTFS partition and was ready
to start over. So we did a live USB (live SD in this case) of ubuntu 64
bit (the machine is an HP pavilion 64 bit with windows 7). 

The live mode worked fine and we selected try ubuntu. By the way how can
I suggest to make the button bigger so that it covers the image as well?

Within the live mode we clicked install but it only offered earse all or
something else. And in the something else option I was a bit scared
because it seemed the only way to create a partition for a new ubuntu
installation was by changing the full partition table. Why isn't there
the install alongside windows option?

I quit the installation and it gave me an error that was an already
reported bug. Very nice, it even guided me to the bug report in case I
wanted to add comments. None needed.

 I then went back to the wubi install. The main thing that my friend
wanted is for it to boot directly to ubuntu by default. It now defaults
to win7. I thought there might be some sort of options program within
the ubuntu installation in windows but I could not find that. I also
could not find  a place within windows 7 to change those boot options. 
So second fail on my part. 

Last option was to check the issue of it not updating. There was 0.5GB
waiting to be updated. Many of it was security updates. So I said it was
worth just selecting an update (and it's dependencies) and try that. 
The window would just be stuck in the "wait..."  We waited for a couple
of minutes and ran out of conversation so I thought something was

I then tried to run update-manager from the command line and a different
error came up. before loading the list of updates available. This error
was the error that my friend was having in the past:
Not all updates can be installed
run a partial upgrade, to install as many updates as possible.
This could be cause by:
*a previous upgrade that could not complete
*problems with some of the installed software
* unofficial software packages not provided by ubuntu
*normal changes of a pre-realease of ubuntu. 
 The ubuntu on windows thing was installed on July 2012 version 12.04 so
it shouldn't be that. 
Possibly problems with installed software?
the only unofficial source found was google talk.
Pre-release definitely not. 

I then click on partial upgrade and I got the following error. 
unable to get excluse lock. this normally means that another package
management is running like apt-get or aptitude). Please close that
aplication first. 

I did not have that one open.

After I left the situation got worst:

A couple of new changes I have noted:
I can now access the Software Centre Screen I still can't load or remove
     1. My disc utility program, which I have been using to access my
big joint memory 503 GB partition, come up with a blank screen.  I have
tried replacing it but as mentioned in 1 above I can't add or remove
     2. I am only mentioning this now, as I feel I need to start
installing the other version of Ubuntu, because I want it all working
before I get to (...).

I  would be gratefully to receive any suggestions before I move on to
I recommended to reinstall ubuntu the wubi way since it was the
quickest: I cannot do the installation in such short notice. Also since
my friend had done it once it should be easy to reproduce. hopefully it
is the best.
But it seems I have broken something. But I do not know how. 

 My friend really does not like to use windows and really likes ubuntu
much better so before he leaves on Thursday he would like to get ubuntu

Apart from the questions above  I wanted to know if I took a wrong turn
somewhere or if I could have done this a better way. 


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