On 06/11/12 16:31, gerry wrote:
Hi all
Sorry if this has been covered before but my install of 12.10 is beyond
repair thanks to HPLIP
Since installing HPLIP I get lots of messages with tell me my SUDOER
file is corrupt.

How did you install HPLIP? I have it installed from the repository here on 12.10 and no such issues result. I'd be surprised if HPLIP had any direct effect on your /etc/sudoers file.

If anyone knows why and could give me a simple fix I would be grateful.
In the end I have installed Fedora instead but find the lack of some
window commands a challenge (right click to minimise for instance.

Bit difficult to diagnose or propose a fix if you've wiped the system.

Alan Pope
Engineering Manager

Canonical - Product Strategy
+44 (0) 7973 620 164


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