On 07/02/13 18:54, Alan Pope wrote:
On 07/02/13 15:55, Gareth France wrote:
On 07/02/13 15:50, Alan Pope wrote:
On 07/02/13 15:12, Colin Law wrote:
On 7 February 2013 14:18, Alan Pope <alan.p...@canonical.com> wrote:
On 07/02/13 12:47, Gareth France wrote:

I've just had a peek and apparently it's using swap memory right now!
Memory 1.5Gb of 3.5Gb used
Swap 658.9Mb of 3.7Gb used

Using swap is not a problem. Swapping is the problem.

It is unusual though to see half a gig in swap when less than half of
the RAM is is use, is it not?  For example mine has been on all day
and is still showing zero swap (I have 4GB RAM).  Does it not mean
that at some point something has been using a lot?

Not necessarily. It means some was _allocated_. Doesn't mean the box
was swapping heavily. I am not inclined to take those numbers at face
value. I'd rather see the first 10 lines from top pasted.

Ask and ye shall receive.

So no swap problem there. You have gobs and gobs of free RAM.

Just as I was beginning to think we'd got it sorted my system really ground to a halt. After about 20 minutes of patiently trying to switch windows I got a screenshot (sorry) of top. Copying text just wasn't an option as everything was virtually unusable and I'm not sure if I captured it too late or not. Thoughts everyone?

www.cliftonts.co.uk/top2.png <http://www.cliftonts.co.uk/top2.png>

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