On 06/02/13 22:44, SuperEngineer wrote:
> On Wed, 2013-02-06 at 21:53 +0000, Alan Pope wrote:
>> Bootchart probably.
> Alan, solved.  A thousand thanks.
> Bootchart proved the one thing I'd got so used to I'd forgotten it might
> be a cause.  Cairo dock loading at start up on a Unity desktop - used to
> be fine but no longer so it appears... it's in constant conflict when
> used with Unity if loaded at start up [rather than after start up]. 
> I'd report a bug but I suspect it's just a case that I was pushing
> boundaries too far for this ol' pooter.
> Again, thank you.
I was having this problem on my Zoostorm (the one with the dodgy wifi
driver) - and I also suspected the wifi driver but I read a bug report
that blamed Wine dependencies - removed Wine and all its dependencies
and it improved the login time drastically.

Then I got a load of freezing and system crashing (that's right, no
keyboard, total lockup).

Terminally lost patience with 12.04, everything I read indicates that
12.10 is just as bad so I upgraded to the 13.04 alpha. So far, I've had
less bother with the alpha than with 12.04 ;)



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