On 24/04/13 11:02, Tyler J. Wagner wrote:
On 2013-04-24 10:58, pete smout wrote:
Then having completely had enough I decided to put the 2 lines of script in
a text file (xrandr --addmode <MODELINE>)(xrandr --newmode
<resolution_refreshrate>) and make this file executable via the properties
menu in nautilus. You can view this at
(DISCLAIMER although I posted this to help point anyone in the right
direction the settings are for my system, and unlikely to work on someone

Consider calling that script from ~/.xsessionrc, and you'll have it every
time you login.

Thanks for the idea hadn't thought of that will try it later!

Please note this is my experience and the lightdm issue may well have been
a coincidence (I cannot see how editing xorg.conf would bork lightdm) but
it was the only change made when rebooting the machine!

Changes in xorg.conf are applied BEFORE lightdm starts. Changes you run
with xrandr in a desktop are applied AFTER you've logged in. That's how it
can bork it. But it was odd.

Arrrgh That explains it, thanks for info will bear it in mind for future reference.




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