H'mm. I've also tried reinstalling from the repository, using Synaptic, and it doesn't make any difference, and looking at it, the thing in the repository is also 2.98. But if I was to download 2.99 from the FTP page you indicated, wouldn't I have to do all the configuration manually? That would be totally beyond me. By the way, we shouldn't be top posting like this. It forces people to read the conversation from bottom to top as well as from top to bottom.

On 10/05/13 14:44, Phill Whiteside wrote:
13.04 has installed 2.98 have a check on 'help --> about"



On 10 May 2013 14:42, Rowan Berkeley <rowan.berke...@gmail.com <mailto:rowan.berke...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    According to that ftp page, 2.99 was the last version they made
    before they stopped, evidently imagining it was as perfect as it
    could ever be. I assume that's what I've got, because I assume
    that's what's delivered in the complete Ubuntu 13.04 64-bit ISO,
    which is what I have installed.

    On 10/05/13 14:21, Phill Whiteside wrote:
    Just while I install it and vlc, it is time to ask the usual
    silly question... So do forgive me!

    Have you got the latest version from

    I'm a VLC fan, but have had rhythmbox running well in the past
    with a large library.


    P.S. this is a clean 13.04 lubuntu install, so I need to 'add'
    things to it :)

    On 10 May 2013 14:07, Rowan Berkeley <rowan.berke...@gmail.com
    <mailto:rowan.berke...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        On 10/05/13 13:55, Alan Pope wrote:

            On 10/05/13 13:33, Rowan Berkeley wrote:

                I find that in 13.04 (though not as far as I can
                recall, previously), it
                is impossible to leave Rhythmbox running after use,
                ie for instance
                having played an album to leave it running and an
                hour later to try to
                play another one. It goes berzerk. Most usually it
                will skip through
                tracks at great speed,

            That sounds like your media is on a mounted / removable
            device which has since gone away / been unmounted? The
            skipping through tracks is often when it says "ok, what
            track is next, lets play it, oh, it's gone, ok, next
            track.. " etc.


        I don't mean it looks for them one after another in rapid
        succession and doesn't find them; I mean it literally skips
        through each track, jumping e.g. thirty seconds at a time.
        But this is just the commonest immediate symptom of a general
        haywireness that sets in if it has been left running but idle
        for more than a few minutes. By the way, AFAIK, I only have
        this on one of my three machines, but they are all
        identically set up, with completely fresh installs of 13.04
        and then all files, including the 1850+ albums, reloaded from
        an external hard drive. This takes an hour or two for each
        fresh install, but it gives me maximum free space, so I do it
        happily, rather than install the new versions keeping the old
        files and settings.

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