On 10/07/13 15:46, J Fernyhough wrote:

On 10 July 2013 15:25, pete smout <psmo...@live.com
<mailto:psmo...@live.com>> wrote:

    During my daily search for gainful employment, I stumbled across
    this http://www.technojobs.co.uk/__job.phtml/1366734
    <http://www.technojobs.co.uk/job.phtml/1366734> : Which I do not
    have the experience to do :(

    It does strike me as a great opportunity & I'm sure someone on this
    list is more capable than me!

    Good luck

    Pete Smout

That does look good - not sure about the whole relocating to New Zealand
bit though!

That struck me as a major plus point ;)

Hmm... there are a few interesting-looking "Linux" jobs on there... just
a shame it's all recruitment agents rather than companies.

That is the way of the world these days! Just someone else making money along the way!




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