Has anyone else had a similar experience to myself regarding using ubuntu
uk and inline posting?

I was too scared to reply to questions on here because I had heard about
how some people can get upset if you don't use inline replies etc. It made
me look it up and do a little research. I've started using inline replies
in my work emails now.

It might sound strange but that was how I felt. I'm guessing that I'm not
the only person who has felt like this.

I'm typing this on my Android device - which I call linux without the linux
- in the middle of the night as it's too hot to sleep.

Apologies that this is not directly Ubuntu-related but it is to do with
mailing lists, in general. What it's helped me with is understanding my
Gmails sometimes. I am an IT tutor and feel like I should already know
these things!! Sometimes I cannot follow the sense in an email chain once a
few people have replied. My employer forwards these kind of emails when
they are setting me up with new courses to deliver.

I'm guessing that it gets confusing when some people use inline and some
don't within one long email chain. It might be something to do with Gmail
too. I am currently trying to switch over to a different webmail provider.
I have been trying to get away from Google for a while now. Not easy!!!

So, has anyone else been too worried about using the wrong protocol on

Just wondering.

Steve Roberts.

Newport, South Wales.

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