On 21 August 2013 09:34, pete smout <psmo...@live.com> wrote:
> On 21/08/13 08:27, Colin Law wrote:
>> On 21 August 2013 04:05, Peter Maddison <ponchorat1...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> NOTE the keyword -- IF you install it.
>>> Unless you NEVER use the OFFICIAL REPO and are totally careless with your 
>>> system then there's a VERY high chance you could infect your system with 
>>> ANY virus.
>> I don't think that is what you meant to say, but I am not sure what
>> you did mean.
>> Colin
> I think he meant UN-official repos!

Even then it  doesn't make sense - unless you never use the
UN-official repo .. then your are likely to get a virus.  I really
don't know whether he is saying we are most unlikely to get a virus or
we are very likely to.



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