On 11 December 2013 18:19, Deryk Foote <deryk.fo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ubuntu is great at a lot of things, but keeping my cinder block of an old
> Dell from kicking the proverbial bucket isn't one of them.

Not that I am trying to persuade you not to get yourself a new laptop,
but there are other *Buntus (& Linuxes) that work better on older kit.

Lubuntu is notably lighter but needs a CPU with the PAE feature. The
popular Pentium-M notebook CPU lacks this in its earlier models and
can't run anything later than *Buntu 12.04. If you have a late-model
Pentium M or later CPU, Lubuntu should work.

*N.B.* Lubuntu 12.04 is *not* an LTS release. Lubuntu was too young at
that time. But now there is LXLE, the Lubuntu Life Extension, if you
have a non-PAE chip and want to run *Buntu.

If you want something a bit more basic, Crunchbang works very well. It
used to be Ubuntu based but now it's based on Debian. It's even
lighter-weight than Lubuntu but a bit more basic. Do remember to turn
off display compositing though - this is on by default and really
slows down older machines.

Liam Proven • Profile: http://lproven.livejournal.com/profile
Email: lpro...@cix.co.uk • GMail/G+/Twitter/Flickr/Facebook: lproven
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