On 23 February 2014 17:33, Daniel Llewellyn <diddle...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 23 February 2014 17:20, Ted Wager <t...@trufflesdad.plus.com> wrote:
> <pseudo chatlog>
> [Daniel Llewellyn] .related > Ted
> [doc-bot] Ted, just because you're using ubuntu doesn't mean you have an
> ubuntu-related question
> </chatlog>
> that's my favourite command in the #wordpress chatroom (rewritten to
> espouse ubuntu wisdom instead of WordPress) :-)

So, as I was saying, before I inadvertently hit send:

The question relates to a Windows Phone rather than Ubuntu. While you may
find an answer here you are more likely to find the correct answer in
Windows Phone fora. While I appreciate that you used Ubuntu to load the
files onto the phone it is actually the phone that you're having issue
with. Ubuntu did the job as much as it can because as you said the phone
can see the files, just that it cannot play them as music. Liam did the
googling for you and found a promising article but he cannot be sure his
answer is correct because while he uses Ubuntu the problem lies with the
phone or your understanding of the procedures the phone requires.

(PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THIS MESSAGE AS AN ATTACK! it's merely meant to steer
you in a direction that you are likely to find the answer you desire. If it
comes across as offensive or any other nastyness then I apologise in
advance because that was certainly not intended. at all. :-D)

Daniel Llewellyn

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