On 2 de marzo de 2014 00:09:02 GMT, Daniel Llewellyn <diddle...@gmail.com> 
>fluendo dvd player is a proprietary product which can play DVDs.
>also do a pack of "codecs" which include among others a plugin for
>Media format (unencrypted only). The codecs work for any
>player but not others such as mplayer, vlc or xine. Also the DVD player
>a separate app which doesn't enable DVD playback in totem or any other
>player which you may prefer :-(.

That's the one! I now have a price to compare with a new dvd $25 and fixing a 
noisy computer fan. And hating myself for letting 'the man' win with their 
propietary stuff. I prefer fluendo rather than being oblivious with a dvd 

Does that mean libdvdcss2 is ilegal in UK? Wikipedia says it has never been 
legally challenged.

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