On 14/03/14 09:25, Barry Drake wrote:
Hi there ....  After taking the updates yesterday evening, my
installation of Trusty fails.  I get the login screen, but after
entering a password, I get a blank background with nothing else other
than a cursor.  I have used a terminal this morning to do update and
upgrade, but the problem is currently still there.  If you guys have any
commandline tricks, that would be good. Otherwise, I'll just have to
boot and use the terminal to update from time to time hoping the problem
will get fixed.

Any suggestions?

Regards,         Barry.


I am no expert, but if you have a prompt <user@hostname:$-) or a login prompt then AFAIK the 'system' has started OK, but for some reason the GUI has not and I did know a couple of commands that MAY help....

(I'll mention at this point that I'm running Saucy so some of this may well be obsolete, in which case please accept my apologies in advance!).

If you get a login prompt login first (obviously)

startx - this command starts the 'X-server' that powers your GUI, this is possibly redundant if 14.04 is using Mir (I hope not as these things should be tested in a development release first!)

lightdm - this command should through you to the graphical login screen (may need to be run as root <sudo>)

It may also be worth checking the logs in /var/log (cd into /var/log and use nano to view the files) I'd look in the xorg log first if it still exists :)

None of this will correct the error that has left you hanging in limbo, but might get you a usable system!

If you are just getting a flashing cursor in the top left corner of the screen I know of no-way to recover the system, when it has happened to me I've always ended up re-installing.

As I stated I'm not a expert and if anyone has any other hints or tips or correct an error I have made I would be pleased to hear :) I've waited all day before replying to your question in the hope someone with more knowledge than myself would jump in first!

Wishing you good luck,


Pete S


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