On 30/05/14 08:13, Barry Titterton wrote:
On 30/05/14 07:07, Gareth France wrote:
I recently installed Ubuntu on a friends computer as it was running painfully slowly with Windows. It is an older machine and the performance is now acceptable. However it appears that it is regularly hanging and requiring a forced reboot to cure this. When working on their broadband setup yesterday I witnessed this three times in a row, gave up and used my laptop instead. I have run the memory check that comes with Ubuntu and found no errors. I just wondered if anyone had any ideas how to track down the fault. Although slow Windows did not crash like this.

Hi Gareth,

Can you please give the model and specifications for your friend's computer?

Barry T

Unfortunately not, until I return there this afternoon. Being a desktop it may not even have a model. All I know off hand is that it is a Pentium 4.


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